W o r k g r o u p M a i l  V e r s i o n 7
 Step by Step Installation Guide
5.2 Specify Details About Your ISP

This page lets you specify details about the ISP used for sending and receiving mail through.

Enter the name of your ISP into the first field. This information is just used as a label.

In the next field, specify the address of the ISP's Outgoing (SMTP) mail server. Ensure that this information is correct. If it is not correct, WorkgroupMail will not be able to send mail through this ISP.

In the last field, specify the address of the ISP's Incoming (POP3) mail server. Ensure that this information is correct. If it is not correct, WorkgroupMail will not be able to receive mail from this ISP. This can be either a name or an IP address.

You can test to see if you have the correct SMTP or POP3 server address later on, once you have installed, by selecting Edit | Run Diagnostics in the WorkgroupMail administrator program.

Finally, press Next.
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